Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Baby shower

Hi! Sorry to have taken so long to write an update.... it can be hard to type when you are lying down...

The baby shower was amazing. I really owe everyone who came a huge hug. It made me feel so loved to see so many faces- present co-workers, Chris' co-worker (and friends), high school and elementary school friends, family, and childhood neighbors, and current neighbors surrounding me. It was amazing when I realized that over 40 people stopped in. The only thing I felt bad about was that I didn't have enough time to spend with each person! The shower went by in a blur. These are definitely 3 very loved babies- and they aren't even born yet!

I spent the entire next week going through the presents and writing thank you notes!

I need to particularly thank Rachel (the best friend a girl could want) and my mom for organizing everything, my sister, father, and mother for helping Chris out by doing some cleaning prior to the party, and my mother-in-law, and Muti for bringing food and helping out!

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